The avocado toast| thoughts on minimalism


I’ve read several articles saying millennials should save their money to become millionaires instead of buying avocado toast. I’m not writing this because I happen to love avocado. I’m saying no to money as the ultimate way of happiness.

Some of us know that being rich is no sustainable way of finding joy in everyday life. Some of us have a greater goal in life than to achieve material heaven. Many of us.

This is not about avocado toast.

Yes, spending much money on food will leave little left to buy a house and a car. If you’re not already extremely rich. But that’s with everything, we need to make priorities and not everybody’s needs are the same.  We don’t need to make the same choices, but the ones we make need to be conscious.

Minimalism, for me, applies in food too. That means I will not spend a crazy amount of money on it but first and foremost it means I will eat food with good quality. It is okay to spend a little extra if that means I get a healthier option and for me it has to be vegan. Most of the times it’s actually the opposite- buying healthy is way cheaper. At least where I live and if you look at a greater perspective, living a healthy lifestyle without doctors and medicines, is always inexpensive.

I don’t ultimately live for money. I won’t spend my time working for the next great purchase. I aspire to live in the moment and maybe that means I won’t ever get to opportunity to drive the fanciest car. Or any car at all, I don’t mind.

Do you?

The avocado toast| thoughts on minimalism

2 thoughts on “The avocado toast| thoughts on minimalism

  1. Emma says:

    I don’t save huge amounts of money for my next purchase, I save it to become financially free and not have to work for money. That would make me happy. But it also means I have to be frugal. Check out Mr Money moustache!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can understand the relief that comes with being financially free, however I don’t share that same outlook on life. I’m a minimalist to distance myself from money which means I will be frugal sometimes, yes, but if I want something I buy it right away. I don’t aspire to be rich by any means. I live now, and that’s all I know for sure. There are so much more to this world than investments. Thank you so much for your thoughts! 🙂


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